
Do you need specific information to help achieve certification for your unique device, module or chipset? Contact the AT&T IoT Devices team. We are highly experienced in analyzing challenges and recommending the best solutions.

Frequently asked questions

General device certification

A module is an embedded electrical component that has a cellular radio chipset on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). A module normally has minimal application processing capability. An AT&T Approved Module is a module that has gone through the AT&T Module Certification Process and been granted Technical Acceptance. Integrating one of these modules into your device greatly reduces the amount of work you have to do to be granted Technical Acceptance and shortens your time to market.

PTCRB is the certification body for North American cellular operators. A PTCRB certification is a pre-requisite to gaining certification from AT&T. See the {PTCRB} website for more details around their process.

Even if your device uses a module previously certified by a PTCRB lab, the device itself will still need to receive its own PTCRB certification. Integrations utilizing AT&T approved modules will be allowed to re-use test results from the module provided the same software and hardware versions are used. This results in a sub-set of test requirements. These test cases typically apply to the interfaces (i.e., SIM electrical, radiated spurious emissions, and antenna performance).This typically results in reduced lab costs and certification fees.

Network ready process

If you are using an AT&T approved module, you have all the required documentation available, and your device is bug free, then your project will receive Technical Acceptance within five business days or less.

If you are using an AT&T approved module then AT&T does not charge for our portion of the certification testing. If your integrated device does not use an AT&T approved module, then a testing fee may be applicable to recover some of the costs associated with the additional lab and field testing. Contact your AT&T device certification manager for more details.

AT&T has certified more than 4000 devices for operation on our network. Your decision to buy or build first depends if any of our already certified devices meet your requirements. Click here for a link to our device catalog. Cost and time to market are the other factors to consider. Click here for a link to the device design alternatives.

Currently not all Device Types are allowed to use the simplest Acceptance Process. See here for the list of excluded Device Types. This list is constantly being examined and revised so always check when you submit a project to determine if your Device Type qualifies for the simplest process. You must always be integrating an AT&T Approved Module though.

Before we can accept your device into the AT&T Network Ready labs, you must provide the FCC Grant and PTCRB certification to include passing antenna test results (TRP/TIS).

Technical requirements and testing

A Module is the component that uses radio frequency energy to interface between your device and the AT&T Radio Access Network. It will have an antenna port, a place to supply power, and some sort of a communication port. There are many form factors for Modules. See this list of AT&T Approved Modules for some examples of different modules. A chipset usually encompasses a group of integrated circuits and supporting components which could include but are not limited to: A baseband application microprocessor, a radio frequency controlling processor, some sort of a power supply management controller, and a radio frequency power amplifier. This group of components makes up the chipset and has as one of its functions to interface between your device and the AT&T Radio Access Network.

The below antenna guidelines are provided for all potential applications with the exception of automotive and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). If you’re developing an antenna system for one of these type devices then contact your IoT certification representative for more information.

Internal Antennas

If your device incorporates an internal antenna, its radiated performance data (TRP and TIS) must meet minimum performance requirements for AT&T certification. Also required is an Intermediate Channel relative sensitivity measurement.

Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS) must meet or exceed the specified values as measured using the CTIA radiated performance measurement method. For more information, refer to AT&T’s antenna performance limitations.

For devices that are not intended to be placed next to a user’s head or body during normal use, such as vending machines and electric meters, the Free Space measurement method can be used. If the device application is not used against the head or in free space, you should use the free space numbers listed on the Get Certified page.

External Antennas

If your device will use an external antenna, it must be vertically polarized, with a reasonable omnidirectional pattern. If the antenna cable length is greater than 20 cm then your do not need to provide TRP/TIS measurement data.

Single Antennas

AT&T expects most device implementations to implement a standard dual receiver antenna configuration. In rare cases, where this is not practical, AT&T will consider waivers for Cat-1 and LTE-M devices only. AT&T estimates that removing the secondary receiver antenna in an LTE device is equivalent to a sensitivity reduction of 4.5 dB. Furthermore, single antenna devices cannot support spatial multiplexing, and are therefore limited in their maximum effective data throughput.

If a single antenna implementation is needed, then AT&T expects implementations to support primarily uplink (mobile originated) scenarios that require low throughput and generate low traffic volume. In considering a waiver request, AT&T will look at the maximum throughput required, maximum data volume per day, and maximum number of daily connections.

The Pilot program is a mechanism which allows partners (that’s you) to test and confirm device behavior on AT&T's network. However this is not to be used as an early commercial launch method and is only intended for a short term trial prior to completing formal device approval.

There are several conditions related to participating in a pilot program on the AT&T network, including (but not limited to):

  • Devices that integrate an AT&T approved module and firmware are eligible, and may receive permission, for a pilot under this program. Click here to find out if your module is certified by AT&T.
  • Devices that use a module that is pending AT&T approval and has entered the AT&T Lab are eligible for a pilot under this program. Such modules by definition have passed the scrutiny of Protect-the-Network (PTN) testing.
  • Devices that integrate a module that has no AT&T approval must arrange for PTN status for that module in order to receive a pilot.
  • No Pilot shall continue over 180 days. The number of devices shall not exceed 1000 devices if an approved module is used.
  • AT&T retains the right to discontinue service on any device under trial in a pilot at AT&T's discretion.
  • AT&T is under no obligation to provide technical support to pilots.
  • The device Partner assumes all liability for potential losses incurred by AT&T (including customer reimbursements for outages that affect AT&T's customers) as a result of implementing a product that has not been certified for the AT&T network.
Partners will need the following information:

  • Device maker (e.g. Carvi)
  • Device name (e.g. Carvi 1.5)
  • Module maker (e.g. Quectel)
  • Module name (e.g. BG 123)
  • Firmware version number
  • FCC ID & FCC Test results
  • Complete list of IMEIs used in Pilot
  • Number of users proposed
  • Projected start and end dates
  • General geographic location(s) of pilot
  • Contact information for the people running the pilot
  • Purpose and justification of the pilot

To initiate a Pilot request, click here.

Yes, AT&T considers this a Maintenance Release. You will need to process a maintenance release if you change the module's firmware or device's application software. We will need an updated PTCRB certification (typically called an ECO - Engineering Change Order) and we'll also need you to tell us what has changed from the previous version. Based on this information AT&T will determine if regression testing is needed. The majority of the maintenance releases we process do not require regression testing. You can onboard a Maintenance Release at the same portal you used for your initial request at www.att.com/onboarding.

These are normally called an eUICC, a single SIM that can host multiple profiles.
The underlying module must support SIM recredential capabilities. If the module is capable, a series of live tests are required. A device that uses a recredential capable module will be tested to verify use of updated data files specific for the target MNO (i.e., APN, MSISDN, and Voice Mail Box Number).

Use of a customer-specific Access Point Name is acceptable, and you may use your own server/APN, as long as AT&T can see the SIM in the Control Center.

Be sure to use the final production hardware and exact software submitted for PTCRB. AT&T will reject any test results if the device hardware, device software, or module firmware deviates from what was or will be used for PTCRB certification.

Your test samples should be production ready. There should be no modification from what we test to what will be deployed on our network.

This depends on the device. We need more activity than simply booting up. We expect OEMs to execute at least a representative sample of the device’s use cases that would invoke the cellular interface.

For example, if your device is connected to a doorbell, then the normal operation would be to ring the doorbell. If the use case is an On Board Diagnostics tracker, the normal operation would be to send OBD messages to the device so that the device will connect to a back-end server and pass telematics data. This test verifies that the User Equipment is attached to the network and is able to perform the intended function upon an external trigger (ie:  User Initiated Action/ Sensor or Alarm based Interrupt, etc). 

Once the device is powered on and connected to the network, we want the device to trigger a session consistent with the normal operation and verify that the function is successful.

This answer assumes the integrated device is using an approved module that has passed AT&T Device Aggression Management (DAM) requirements


We are checking to see that:
  • keep alive timers comply with the guidelines listed below, and that
  • the device is not performing network connectivity checks; but is using API or AT commands to verify the module’s mobile registration status. 

Keep alive timers should be designed according to the below guidelines depending on the SIM being used:
  • 310-170 SIMs — the AT&T network will maintain the associated APN timer for up to eight hours of inactivity. If there is no data activity within this timeframe, the network will initiate a PDN detach and the UE will need to subsequently re-establish the APN for data services. In this situation the UE may be assigned a new IP address.
  • 310-170 SIMs — the AT&T firewall performs network and port address translation functions. For TCP connections, this translation will be maintained for up to 60 minutes for UE initiated outbound traffic and corresponding inbound reply traffic. For UDP sessions, this translation is maintained for 2 minutes. If there is no activity during these timeframes, these translations will be removed.


The deactivated SIM test validates UE behaviour under the following scenarios:

  • UE has subscription, but cannot get service for some reason.
  • UE does not have subscription.
 For the deactivated SIM test, AT&T will deactivate the HSS/HLR subscription, and the device will see a signalling message consistent with either:

  • Deactivated — GPRS Failure
  • Deactivated — PDP Context Failure
  • Deactivated — GSM Failure, or LTE Attach Failure
 AT&T allows for routine power cycling or resetting of the device/module to clear permanent cause codes. This test verifies that these actions are not too aggressive (using too much unnecessary data). The steady state behaviour of retries cannot exceed once every 4 hours. An example of this behaviour is:  1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hour, 4 hour, 4 hour, 4 hour …

SIM and network connectivity

You should use a test device with a 2/3/4FF SIM adapter tray so it can accept the test 8901170 test SIM that we send you.

An ACTIVATED SIM card is ready for use on the live AT&T network. It allows us to verify SMS Connectivity, as well as verify Data and SMS Connectivity over a 24-hour period. 

The TRENDI process will automatically activate, deactivate, and record the results of the SIM under test. 

We will ship one ACTIVATED SIM card for your use during TRENDI.

Your 4G LTE capable devices may experience loss of service due to incorrect Access Point Name (APN) configuration in your device settings.  To avoid service interruptions, check the APN configuration for all currently deployed devices and always confirm the correct APN configuration before activating/deploying any additional devices.  If you need additional assistance please reference the APN Troubleshooting Guide.

Projectone onboarding tool

Set up the profile at https://projectone.att.com  (www.att.com/onboarding)

  1. Go to https://projectone.att.com/ (www.att.com/onboarding)
  2. Look for the option to “Create an Account.”
  3. Enter your email address and wait for the validation code to be sent to your email address.
  4. Enter the validation code sent via email.
  5. Enter the name of your company. The system may recognize your email and give you a list of options to choose from if other accounts exist.
  6. Verify the company name you entered matches what your companies manufacturer name is in PTCRB

For a device operating on the AT&T domestic US network, the device must, at a minimum, support LTE Bands 2, 4, and 12. If the device will not support other domestic AT&T bands, and these bands are supported by the module, then these bands must be disabled either via module firmware or setting at the module itself. It is not permissible to disable these bands via device configuration.

Additional information

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is charged with regulating interstate and international communications in the United States. As part of its charter, the FCC regulates the use of wireless spectrum and approves all devices that operate within the country. Wireless data communication devices are required to meet the appropriate FCC requirements, which include the following:

Upon completing these requirements, the device will be issued an FCC Identification (ID) number. Complete details regarding FCC testing requirements can be found at: www.fcc.gov.

As a device manufacturer you essentially have two choices to obtain an FCC Grant – 1. Obtain a new Grant for your device, or 2. Leverage the existing Grant of the module which is used in your device.

To obtain your own Grant, consult the FCC web site here for instructions.

To leverage your module’s Grant, you normally can do this if your device meets the conditions in the module’s Grant notes. You can obtain a copy of the module’s FCC Grant notes from your selected module provider. Normally, these conditions are:

  • At least 20cm separation from persons (phones and wearable devices typically will not comply)
  • No Colocation with other transmitters (this one typically needs a review by the FCC lab for things like Wi-Fi)
  • Antenna gain below the requirements (this is typically met)

If your device does need a separate FCC Grant, this can still be achieved with 10-12 weeks assuming you’ve followed good RF design principles and avoided common mistakes. These mistakes generally are:

  • Spurious, out-of-band emissions. The RF sensitivity of cellular receivers can surprise new device integrators and derail their designs. Cellular receivers can pick up interference from just about any part of the host device especially in the 30 MHz to 1 GHz frequency range. Antennas, power supplies, PCB circuit traces (even depending on length and direction), and line connections can all play RF havoc on your device.
  • Antenna matching. Another challenge is matching your device’s antenna to the GSM network. A mismatch can cause interference when the radio signal creates harmonics in the front end of the receiver. External antennas are easier to match. If you’re using an internal antenna, it is critical to get your antenna design and OTA characteristics pretested in the earliest stages of your device development. AT&T relies on its OTA performance to meet specific standards based on calculations established by existing cell site locations and distances. If your antenna fails to meet OTA requirements, it can affect your entire device design and set you back weeks if not months, not to mention all the costs of its reengineering.

If you desire to re-use your modules FCC Grant then we recommend you discuss this with a qualified Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) laboratory. More information can be found here.

Please keep in mind that these estimates are highly dependent on a number of factors. One of the most important cost factors is if you chose to use an approved module or use a chipset design. To reduce cost, complexity, and development timelines AT&T recommends using an approved module. The below costs and timelines are our best estimate, and AT&T does not guarantee this information. You should note that while third-party test labs charge for their services, AT&T does not charge for its network certification testing as long as an AT&T approved module is used.

Eligible device types are:

  • Network Ready certification
  • The device uses an AT&T approved module
  • Device type is not Automotive (embedded), UAV, Android computing, or wearable

If your device qualifies for the expedited no touch program then there is no need to ship device samples to our Lab. The partner performs the test by using specially configured SIM cards and AT&T validates acceptable performance by monitoring connection attempts through our network monitoring stations.

If your device does not qualify for the expedited no touch program then you will need to send test samples to or Labs in either Redmond, WA or Austin, TX.

AT&T has certified more than 4000 devices for operation on our network. Your decision to buy or build first depends if any of our already certified devices meet your requirements. Cost and time to market are the other factors to consider.

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