Global Compatibility

AT&T offers Global Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC) compatibility for devices operating exclusively outside North America with an AT&T UICC

For devices operating exclusively outside of North America it is necessary to validate that your AT&T Global Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC) will operate correctly on the foreign carrier’s network. Devices operating outside North America will operate either in a permanent roaming or local MNO recredentialed configuration.

This UICC validation is sometimes referred to as “SIM-only” because there is no network compatibility involved. UICC validation is an abbreviated version of the certification process required for devices operating on the USA domestic network.

Global UICC compatibility validates the following:

  • Device application layer aggression
  • Network and band selection as directed by UICC
  • SIM-OTA (over the air)
  • Subscription Management (i.e., recredentialing to another Mobile Network Operator) – if applicable

Please note that UICC validation does not:

  • Guarantee compatibility, or permission to operate, on the foreign RAN
  • Create compliance with local regulatory, industry, or emergency services mandates


Device manufacturers must onboard the test request at . Once you have logged in, simply follow the prompts for a device operating OUTSIDE of North America. The AT&T Onboarding Tool (OBT) will ask you numerous technical questions about your device. In this way you will be guided through the proper sequence of questions to determine deliverables required to complete the process. Note that the OBT will collect the band capabilities of your device, and if your device supports the USA operating bands — then your request must be MANUALLY reviewed by a certification manager before proceeding. This allows us to determine if your device should instead be subject to full AT&T network compatibility testing for North America.

TRENDI testing

A device undergoing Global UICC compatibility verification is also subject to TRENDI testing.

AT&T lab testing

Your device may undergo testing at the AT&T Qualified Test Lab (AQT). Please refer to the Global UICC Implementation Guide at the bottom of this page for more details.

UICC compatibility letter

At the completion of this testing, AT&T will issue a Notice of UICC Compatibility letter. This is not the same as a Notice of Network Compatibility letter which is issued for devices that will operate on the domestic United States network.

Where to get more information

A Global UICC implementation guide is available for download. Look for the PDF document titled “Global UICC Implementation Guide”. This document will give you more information regarding device requirements and scope of testing.