International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)

Using International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number assignments to identify your device

This method requires additional time and effort, but allows devices using radio modules that are not ODIS compliant to have an identification number for certification.

METHOD 2: Identification through International Mobile Equipment Identities (IMEI)s

The second alternative to comply with AT&T’s Identification requirements is to send AT&T all your unique device IMEI assignments. For your convenience, we have an IMEI File Upload Tool to submit your file in .csv format through ProjectOne or an API upload. See the footnotes at the bottom of this page for more details.

However this data is sent to AT&T, it will consist of the following data elements for each manufactured device:

  • Host Device Manufacturer (HOST_MFR) – The manufacturer name as submitted into the AT&T Onboarding Tool (Project One) and reported in the Notice of Network Compatibility (TA Letter) for the Host Device.
  • Host Device Model (HOST_Model) – The model identifier as submitted into the AT&T Onboarding Tool (Project One) and reported in the Notice of Network Compatibility (TA Letter) for the Host Device.
  • Host Device Software Version (Host_SW_Ver) – The version value as submitted into the AT&T Onboarding Tool (Project One) and reported in the Notice of Network Compatibility (TA Letter) for the Host Device.
  • Host Device ID (Host Device Unique ID) – The unique ID assigned by AT&T as the “Device ID” in the AT&T Onboarding Tool (Project One) and reported in the Notice of Network Compatibility (TA Letter) for the Host Device.
  • IMEI – The 15 digit unique code used to identify the host device.

An example of the data file in .csv format is as follows:

HOST_MFRHOST_ModelHost_SW_VerHost Device Unique IDIMEI
ACME IncArrow214.099bAEfgXXf357099060399038
ACME IncArrow214.099bAEfgXXf357099060343341
ACME IncArrow214.099bAEfgXXf357099060327658
ACME IncArrow214.099bAEfgXXf357099060347722
ACME IncBow422.799mVNcFsHi357099060981051

By choosing this option, you must also provide legacy data for all manufactured devices. The data is needed for all carriers, not just AT&T. The data must be provided to AT&T on a recurring basis, at least every three months, beginning at the time AT&T TA is granted. There are two options to provide this data:

1. Login to ProjectOne ( and use the IMEI File Upload Tool to submit your file in .csv format.
2. Transmit the IMEI data via an AT&T provided API connection. The API specification document can be downloaded here. You will need to log in with your Project One credentials, select the tile named Certification Resource Documents, and find the document titled “Device IMEI API Upload Specification Document”.

FAQs: Common mistakes when uploading

• The header names within the CSV need to be exact – spacing and punctuation.
• When formatting the CSV, there should be no additional columns and the given field columns provided above need to be in the exact order.
• IMEI number formatting needs to be strictly numeric (not in scientific notation due to Excel’s auto formatting). This usually happens when as editor such as Excel is used prior to saving it as .csv. AT&T recommends that prior to uploading, open it in a text editor to verify the entire IMEI is being transmitted correctly.
• Microsoft Office Excel will truncate data – avoid using .xlsx and use .csv extension.
• No blank fields as the entire upload will then be rejected.
• No illegal characters, especially within IMEI which should only contain numeric characters.
• The column “Host Device Unique ID” must be the unique identifier that was assigned by AT&T for that specific model.
• The “Host_SW_Ver” should be the firmware version of your device, not the modem’s firmware version.