Using Type Allocation Code (TAC) to Identify Your Device

Choosing the right module for your IoT device can be the difference between an incredible user experience, or an uncertain one. AT&T provides you with resources to make the best decision on a module for your specific project, while ensuring network compatibility.

The most critical aspect at the heart of any IoT device is its wireless (RF) communication capability.

In choosing an AT&T Approved Module, developers must consider the ability or need to handle:

  • Network transitions and varying radio conditions
  • Latency
  • Authentication and network security
  • Transitions from data-only to data/voice
  • Battery consumption and battery usage needs
  • Resending of service requests following a request rejection or denial

Take advantage of AT&T resources to make the best decisions on your module.

Choosing a module from the AT&T module catalog saves time, while assuring ongoing network compatibility.

If you’re a module developer, AT&T’s ADAPT program is the fast track to certification of newly developed LTE-capable chipsets. Find our list of chipsets under the ADAPT chipset tab on the module catalog.

AT&T’s IoT accelerator program is the most efficient way to accelerate IoT device development; and implementation is through a selection of low-cost, high performance modules. AT&T has made it quick, easy and economical to obtain these modules by offering them through key suppliers for as low as $7.50 each. Nobody accelerates IoT like AT&T.

The final step in the development process is testing and certification. Go to Get Network Ready to learn about the simple steps required to get a device certified.

A word of caution regarding chipset design.

Chipsets are the building blocks for every wireless device but building a wireless radio at the chipset level is difficult and costly. Every AT&T Approved module contains an AT&T Validated chipset at its core. Rather than attempt to design your own chipset based device design, and pay a $50,000 fee for AT&T to ensure that it works on our network (and additional 3rd party charges to achieve certification), we encourage you to use an existing AT&T approved module.